Saturday, September 12, 2009

So theres this guy!!!!

Ok so theres this guy that i really really like and i want to be with him i have known him for a year or two now . but i dont think that he returns the feelings . he was over today and i was just in lala land the whole time he was here. i didnt know how to talk to him .. though i talked more than i did when i saw him last like in may . i like him so much . i want to be more than friends but i dont know how he feels . i get so nervous when i see him .. i get so nervous when i see him.. im so shy around him . i get butterflies in my stomache everytime i see or talk to him.. but i have a feeling that if anything ever happened between us my mom wouldnt approve . she is just that way. even if she didnt approve i would still be with him..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Life

I am officially hating my life and the people i am surrounded with.. i get so pissed off and i cant stand being around them . i wish my life was different . i wish i was the only child still things would be so much better . i getting to the point to where i cant stand my sister and i know it is bad. but we are so different and it doesnt help that we are nine years apart . grrr she just gets me so mad .. she throughs a fit if she doesnt get her way. like today she got upset because my mom didnt pick her up from school and get her an itailan soda . my mom couldnt she was in coos bay looking at houses . so what does she do my sister calls her and throughs a hissy fit because she didnt get it for her . then she calls her because i said she couldnt have any cheetos because they are to go with dinner...grr if she doesnt get her way she is a hellian .well i have vented enough so bye till next time..

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I got my license today..i am so excited ...