Saturday, October 11, 2008

Family Arguments !!

So I recently got into an argument with one of my cousins and now she is taking it out on my mom and sister. I just find no point in what she is doing . This thing is between me and her . No one else...This all started about me telling her my opinion about her boyfriend..because she had recently broke up with him for a reason and now they are back together and all i told her is that just because he gives you flowers doesn't mean he has changed.then it started getting nasty . she took it totally wrong and now I'm not allowed to talk to any of my cousins in that household and we are not allowed over there anymore . i just think she should forget about it and move on . For god sakes i was just telling her my opinion . shes allowed to tell me her opinions but I'm not allowed to tell her mine .. I was just trying to look out for her so she doesn't get hurt. I will always love her shes my blood and we are entitled to our own opinions but i guess we should just keep our mouths shut when it comes to family and there boyfriends or girlfriends...

Well that's all for now ....


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